A brain injury can permanently change the lives of those who suffer it, whether it is classified as a concussion, traumatic brain injury, or else.
In a case where your or your loved ones' brain injury is caused by another's fault, you may be entitled to compensation for the expenses resulting from that injury.
Call our team now - get a free consultation with an experienced medical negligence attorney today. Our attorneys will analyze your case to determine whether you are eligible to recover compensation.
When you choose to work with our firm, we will represent you on contingency - in other words, if we fail to win on your behalf, you will owe us nothing.
Brain injuries can be treated with minimal medical care or with significant medical help depending on the severity of the injury. It is possible to seek compensation for damages if your brain injury was caused by someone else's negligence. Regardless of the degree of the injury, if damages (such as medical expenses) exist, then it may be possible to file and win a lawsuit.
Dedicated to helping victims of brain injuries, our team of brain injury attorneys employs a mix of experience and legal knowledge for engaging in complex brain injury cases, along with the tireless effort we will give to get you the compensation you deserve. Our firm has experience handling both wrongful death and personal injury cases and has the knowledge and skill necessary to bring either type to a successful conclusion.
Some of the compensation we have achieved for injury victims has included:
Your brain injury case's value is determined by the circumstances of your accident. For this reason, it's not valuable to try to estimate the value of a brain injury lawsuit before it is thoroughly litigated.
In the medical field, a traumatic brain injury is the result of an event that causes significant damage to the brain. They can be mild, like a concussion, or severe, like a deep brain injury. Depending on how severe the brain injury is, a TBI may permanently paralyze a person or have an impact on their mental functions.
Those whose lives are suddenly turned upside down know how devastating such an event is; a traumatic brain injury lawyer also knows this. They also understand that:
The most important thing is that an experienced brain injury lawyer is passionate and committed to fighting for the rights of injured individuals and their loved ones. Victims cannot change the past, nor can they undo the effects of their injuries, but they can use the civil justice system to get the compensation they deserve.
Those who have experienced a traumatic brain injury may be concerned about the future and whether they will recover fully. Other issues you may have encountered include difficulty in:
As each person recovers differently, there is no easy way to predict how long a specific TBI will take to recover.
In spite of seeing barely any improvement after three months (or 18 months for a moderate TBI), you still have a chance of full recovery. Some research suggests that even those in minimally conscious states may recover higher cognitive functions years after a brain injury.
A variety of accidents can lead to brain damage, including:
TBIs resulted in more than 2.5 million emergency department visits in 2014, according to the CDC. Over 800,000 of them were children, nearly 280,00 required hospitalization, and more than 56,800 resulted in death.
If you have sustained any type of head injury, you should always consult a doctor, even if you do not notice any symptoms at first. The following are signs and symptoms to watch for:
Additionally, traumatic brain injury can cause swelling in the brain's tissues that may not appear right away. It instead may appear hours later. It is not uncommon to have symptoms similar to those described earlier, but can also include: vomiting, slurred speech, and trouble understanding what others are saying.