NJ Class Action Claims Process

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Class Action Lawyer New Jersey

A class action lawsuit allows several individuals to come together against a single defendant. This type of legal claim is usually filed in federal court and is known as a "class action." In addition to seeking monetary damages, class action suits seek to change industry practices and prevent future harm.

In New Jersey, you must meet certain criteria to file a class action suit. First, you must demonstrate that there is evidence of wrongdoing by the defendant that affects a large number of people. Second, you must show that the defendant's conduct violates the law. Finally, you must convince the judge that pursuing a class action is best for both parties involved.

If you believe that you qualify to join a class action lawsuit, contact us today. Our class action attorneys can help determine whether filing a class action is appropriate for your situation. We offer free initial consultations. Call now to schedule yours.

"Trust us with your claim. You won't regret it." - Shane Sullivan Esq.

What Are The Types of Class Action Lawsuits?

New Jersey is facing a surge of class action lawsuits as the state continues to be hit with the coronavirus pandemic.

Many states have seen a rise in class action lawsuits in recent years. A class action suit is a lawsuit in which multiple people seek monetary compensation for the same injury or loss. Some of the most common types of class actions are:

  • Mass tort litigation
  • Economic loss class action
  • Insurance coverage class action
  • Products liability class action
  • Employment discrimination class action
  • Real estate class action

Our New Jersey law firm represents consumers, employees and businesses against companies that violate consumer laws, wage & hour violations, false claims act, antitrust violations, racketeering, discrimination, consumer fraud, product liability, personal injury and many others. Contact our attorneys today to discuss your case during a free consultation.

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Who Can File A Class Action Claim In NJ?

A person who has suffered an injury, whether it be a financial loss or a physical one, can file a lawsuit to seek compensation. This process is called filing a claim under the law known as "Class Action Law." Class actions are lawsuits filed on behalf of a group of individuals against another individual or entity. In some cases, the plaintiff's claims arise out of a common set of facts. For example, if a large number of consumers purchased a product from a particular retailer, they could potentially sue the retailer for damages resulting from the faulty product.

The plaintiff must prove that he or she belongs to the proposed class. To qualify for inclusion in the class, the plaintiff must meet certain criteria. For example, the plaintiff must show that he or she suffered an injury, either financially or physically, because of the defendant’s conduct. Also, the plaintiff must demonstrate that there are enough similar injuries among the other class members of the proposed class such that pursuing his or her case individually would be too costly.

If the court finds that the plaintiff meets these requirements, the judge will certify the class. Once certified, the entire class becomes part of the litigation. Depending on the circumstances of each case, the plaintiff can pursue different types of relief, including monetary damages, injunctive relief, or declaratory relief.

How Do You Start a Class Action Lawsuit?

Class actions are often filed under Rule 23(b)(3), which allows a lawsuit to be brought on by a class member on behalf of a group of people who suffered similar injuries. A class action lawsuit is typically used when there is a large amount of money involved, and many individuals might benefit from receiving compensation. In most cases where a class action lawsuit is appropriate, the plaintiffs will file a motion asking the judge overseeing the case to allow the case to proceed as a class action in the New Jersey Supreme Court.

The court decides whether to grant this request based on several factors including how likely it is that the claims against the defendants could be proven in a single trial and whether the potential recovery for each member of the proposed class exceeds $5,000. If the judge grants the motion, the case proceeds as a class action. At this stage, the named plaintiff becomes known as the "class representative."

Once the class is certified, the class representative files a complaint in federal district court on behalf of the entire class. The class representatives are responsible for giving notice to all class members about the pending Jersey class action lawsuits and informing them of their options regarding joining the lawsuit.

If you believe you were harmed by a product or service offered, you may want to consider filing a class action lawsuit. Contact our office today to discuss your legal needs and how we can help recover compensation.

How Do Class Action Lawsuits Work?

Class action lawsuits are typically brought by one person or group against another party accused of wrongdoing. In some cases, you might see lawsuits where multiple parties sue the same entity over the same issue. For example, a consumer might file a class action suit against a credit card company because he or she believes that the company charged too much interest on purchases.

Class action suits are often used to address larger problems. If a large number of people experience something wrong, such as being cheated out of money, it is easier to bring a class action lawsuit rather than filing many individual claims.

The process starts with the plaintiff filing a complaint with the court, stating why he or she thinks the defendant is liable for the alleged harm. The plaintiff usually needs to show that there are enough people affected by the same situation. Then, the case moves forward and the defendant is given notice about the lawsuit. At this stage, the defendant has the opportunity to defend himself or herself and prove that he or she is not responsible for the harm.

If the defendant cannot prove his or her innocence, the judge will determine whether the plaintiffs' allegations are valid. If the judge decides that the plaintiff has shown sufficient evidence of guilt, the judge will allow the case to proceed as a class action.

Do You Need a Class Action Lawsuit New Jersey Attorney?

At Garden State Justice Group New Jersey, we have the experience and the passion to fight for your rights. We understand that it is not always easy to go through a difficult time such as a personal injury. That is why we have developed an online portal where people like you can connect with a New Jersey class action lawyer and obtain free consultations.

We understand that it is not always easy to go through a difficult time such as a personal injury. That is why we have developed an online portal where people like you can connect with New Jersey class action lawyers and obtain free consultations.

We assist class members interested in joining in class action case in the following counties:

  • Bergen County
  • Morris County
  • Monmouth County
  • Essex County
  • Passaic County
  • Middlesex County
  • Sussex County
  • and more.
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This website is by DiLeonardo Law LLC d/b/a Garden State Justice Group. We have offices throughout the state of New Jersey with attorneys licensed to practice law in New Jersey. Use of this site does not form an attorney-client relationship and information herein shall not be construed as legal advice. This website is to be considered as ATTORNEY ADVERTISING. Past settlement and verdict values are no guarantee of similar future outcomes. This firm may retain local counsel for prosecuting cases. Results may vary from case to case depending on the specific circumstances of the case. This website has not been approved by the Supreme Court of New Jersey.
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