Preschool Sexual Abuse Lawyer In New Jersey

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Sexual predators do not belong in preschool classrooms. Unfortunately, it happens far too often. In fact, according to the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children, one out of every four girls and one out of every six boys will experience some form of childhood sexual abuse. Sadly, many of those incidents occur while attending preschool.

Preschool Sexual Assault Law Firm Protecting Rights Of Sexual Abuse Victims

If you or your child were sexually assaulted at a preschool, you might be able to investigate whether the school had adequate procedures in place to protect students from sexual predators. You might even be able to sue the school for negligence. However, if the school did everything correctly, you might find yourself unable to pursue a sexual abuse claim because the statute of limitations has expired.

"Trust us with your claim. You won't regret it." - Shane Sullivan Esq.

Teacher & School Abuse In New Jersey

Physical and sexual abuse in schools and daycare centers occurs with alarming frequency in this county. In 2017 alone, there were 4,822 arrests of people working in childcare facilities, according to data compiled by Child Care Aware America. Over 400 school employees were arrested last year for child sexual assault and sexual abuse.

Last year, over 400 school workers were arrested for sexual misconduct involving students. And in 2018, the number of arrests increased even further. As of April 30th, there had been 5,957 arrests of people working in school settings.

In fact, the numbers are so high that the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children recently published a guide for parents and educators to help identify signs of abuse.

The guide includes tips like asking questions like "Do you know anyone who works in childcare?" and "Have you ever seen anything inappropriate happen?"

Reporting sexual abuse is an incredibly tough thing to do. Child Sexual abuse victims often feel shame, guilt, fear of retaliation, anxiety, depression, and many others. They don't want to tell their family members because they fear what might happen. They often don't realize how much harm they've suffered until later in life. That's why states across the nation are trying to change how they handle reports of abuse.

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Sexual Abuse of Children by Daycare, Preschool and Aftercare Workers

In recent years, there has been a dramatic increase in reports of sexual abuse of children by daycare workers and teachers. These incidents include inappropriate touching, fondling, oral sex, rape, sodomy, and even murder. Many of these crimes go unreported because victims of sexual abuse fear retaliation, lack confidence in reporting the crime, or feel ashamed about what happened.

The majority of child sexual abusers come from families with low socioeconomic status, have mental health problems, or suffer from substance abuse issues. They tend to target young boys and girls under age five.

Daycares and aftercare centers are supposed to provide a safe environment for children. However, it is impossible to ensure that every single person working in these facilities is completely free of criminal activity.

Parents entrust their children to these institutions and expect them to take good care of their kids. This trust is misplaced. Daycares and aftercare programs such as boy scouts should be held accountable for not protecting children from predators.

If you suspect your child was sexually abused at a childcare facility, contact an attorney immediately. You may be entitled to compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages.

Childhood Sexual Abuse: What Parents Should Know

Sexual abuse can occur anywhere, but it is most common in homes, schools, and daycare centers. It is also more likely to occur when someone knows the victim well.

Victims of childhood sexual abuse often experience long-term effects such as post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), eating disorders, drug use, suicide attempts, self-mutilation, and depression. Some victims become abusers themselves.

Children who are sexually abused often develop feelings of anger, sadness, and confusion. They may blame themselves for being victimized. They may also try to avoid situations where they could be hurt again.

Some people believe that if a child says something doesn't seem right, then it isn't true. But this is simply not true. A child who is being sexually abused will usually say something. The problem is that adults aren't always listening.

Why Hire Our New Jersey Law Firm for a Daycare Injury Lawsuit?

In recent years, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of child sexual abuse lawsuits filed against daycare centers across the United States. These cases are often brought by parents who allege that their child was harmed while attending a daycare facility operated by someone else. While many of these claims are meritless, some do have legal merit. If you believe that your child suffered injuries as a result of negligent care at a daycare center, it is important to consult with experienced lawyers immediately.

At Garden State Justice Group, we know what it takes to win such cases for abuse survivors, and we work hard every day to ensure that each client receives the compensation he or she deserves. To schedule your free and confidential consultation, contact our team of sexual abuse lawyers today. 

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