Spinal Injury Lawyers In New Jersey

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Spinal injuries can be serious for victims, even if they are initially viewed as minor. Regardless of whether your life or that of a loved one has been permanently transformed after a spinal injury, knowing the legal options open to you is crucial.

Experienced Spinal Injury Attorneys

The medical expenses associated with spinal injuries are significant, but the financial damages do not stop at hospital bills. We have experience helping spinal injury victims get settlements that appropriately reflect all the damages they've suffered. We achieve this in the capacity of medical malpractice attorneys, premises liability lawyers, or any other type of personal injury claim necessary.

We offer free spinal injury case consultations at no obligation; contact us now via our 24/7 helpline or the form on this page to get started.

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How Important Is The Spinal Cord?

The spinal cord consists of 26 nerve fibers running from the brain stem to the end of the spinal column. When this central nervous system structure is damaged permanently, limb function may be lost, and even death may result.

Protecting the spinal cord is the vertebral column and the spine's bones. A spine injury often results in the fracturing of these vertebrae, causing further complications for the victim.

The Most Common Causes Of Spinal Injuries

A spinal injury can have a variety of causes; about as varied as the repercussions of the same. The following are the most common causes of spinal cord injury as encountered by our experienced injury lawyers in the past.

Sports Accidents & Injury: A spinal injury often occurs from an accident on the playing field. Even in sports where direct contact isn't common, players may collide with each other. Such forceful impacts can lead to injuries of the spine, among other injuries.

General Trauma: Almost every common accident can cause traumatic injuries to your spine, including accidents such as slips and falls or car accidents. Spinal cord damage can result immediately from vertebral fractures or dislocations following an impact. The spine can still be damaged, even if you take steps to prevent a blow or a fall from happening - and the symptoms may not manifest immediately.

Work Accidents: Injuries to the spine are common among construction workers and other laborers. During the repair or dismantlement of machinery, workers may be lifted by cranes or pulleys, resulting in damage to the vertebrae or separation of the spinal column if they fall.

Medical Negligence & Malpractice: Patients' injuries can also result from medical treatment by doctors and other medical professionals. In hospitals and surgery centers that do not provide adequate care, grave injuries such as spinal cord damage may manifest.

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What Are The Types Of Spinal Cord Injuries?

There are usually two categories of spinal cord injuries: complete or incomplete.

A complete spinal cord injury occurs when both sides are damaged or severed. The result is paralysis in all parts of the body served by that side of the spinal cord below the injury site. Injury to the spinal cord that has only permanently affected one side or a portion thereof, instead, is considered "incomplete."

Spinal Cord Injury Symptoms

Several types of spinal injuries may be obvious immediately, whereas others may not be as evident. Therefore, if you have suffered a back injury, you should consult a doctor immediately. Time can prove critical when it comes to rehabilitating such an important part of the human body.

A spinal cord injury can reveal itself with the following symptoms.

Motor Skills Loss: One or more limbs can be rendered useless after spinal injuries. If the arms or legs are extensively weakened, the person will be unable to move.

Sensation Loss: There is also a possibility that someone with a spinal injury will lose sensation in their body. This can make walking difficult and even cause difficulties urinating. It is possible for the victims to lose sensation in specific parts of the body, resulting in them not being aware of the extent of their injuries.

Loss Of Memory: In cases of spinal cord injuries combined with traumatic brain injuries, memory loss is possible.

Bowel/Bladder Control Loss: Spinal cord injury victims may become unable to control their bowels or bladders after suffering their spinal injury. This occurs because innervation to the muscles that control the bowel becomes compromised.

Spinal Injury Lawsuits & Compensation

It should be noted that spinal injuries can have astronomical costs, as we indicated earlier in this article. 

There is some good news, however. Victims can recover compensation in the form of a spinal injury lawsuit in order to cover the damages they have suffered.

Among the types of compensation available for spinal injuries are:

  • Future and past medical care
  • If an individual suffers from a physical disability, equipment is available to help them get about each day
  • Earnings lost or anticipated earnings lost
  • An injury's physical pain as well as emotional distress after it occurs

Free Spinal Injury Case Reviews

A spinal cord injury attorney can help you determine your options if you or someone you love suffered such an injury. 

We are available to help you now and throughout your recovery. We will listen to your story with empathy, and we will work tirelessly on your behalf to pursue the maximum settlement possible to cover all damages - both actual and future - resulting from your spinal cord injury.

Take advantage of our free consultation now, and take the first step on the way to justice and the compensation you deserve.

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