Sports Injury Lawyers In New Jersey

shane sullivan esq garden state justice group personal injury attorney new jersey
"We won't stop until you get justice" - Gabriel DiLeonardo, Esq.
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Did you know that an estimated 21% of all sports injuries usually cause traumatic brain injuries in America? Sports and recreational activities should never be underestimated in the type of injuries they can cause because no matter the sport there's bound to be an accident of some sort.

Sports Injury Law Firm In New Jersey

In many instances, these injuries are inevitable; but, where carelessness is proved to be the cause of such injuries, victims have the right to seek compensation to recover the costs incurred. We recommend contacting our experienced sports injury lawyers to learn more about your legal rights to compensation. Schedule your free case evaluation by calling us or filling out our contact form and a representative will get in touch shortly.

"Trust us with your claim. You won't regret it." - Shane Sullivan Esq.

Can I Sue For Sports Injury?

You may be eligible for compensation if you were hurt by another person while participating in a sporting event. In the case negligence is identified, you may have a solid foundation to form a sports injury case. Certain criteria must be met in order to pursue compensation against the negligent party and it must be proven that the accident would not have occurred if carlessness was not a factor.

If filing a sports injury lawsuit does happen, here are the most common parties held responsible for causing sports injuries:

  • Personal trainers
  • Coaches
  • Team members
  • Organizers
  • Players
  • Equipment

These are just a few of the usual negligent parties related to sports injury claims in New Jersey. Speak with our team now to learn more about your rights and who, if anybody, can be held liable for your sports injuries.

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  • Incident
  • Aftermath

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Common Sports That Lead To Injuries

A variety of contact sports is typically the ones that lead to sports injuries far too often. Though contact sports are the most common, it doesn't mean another sport or recreation accident can't happen. Our team of injury lawyers has helped injured victims in sports injury cases by playing the following:

  • Soccer
  • Football
  • Baseball
  • Tennis
  • Wrestling
  • Hockey
  • Cheerleading
  • Gymnastics
  • Water Polo

These are just several sports and recreational activities to name, but the list does go on.

Types Of Sports Injuries - New Jersey Sports Injury Lawyer

Sports injuries can range from a broken bone to something as severe as a traumatic brain injury or even death. Here are a few of the most common injuries our legal team sees:

Broken Bones/ Bone Fractures

In sports activities, broken bones are one of the most common examples of injuries. Fractures come in a number of different forms, and some kinds, such as stress or hairline fractures, are more prevalent in some sports than others. Fractures often need medical attention, monitoring, medication, and rehabilitation in order to heal correctly. Because of the seriousness of the injuries and the ongoing medical attention they usually require, expenses can quickly add up, which is why filing a sports injury lawsuit may be your best chance to take care of medical bills and other expenses.

Head Injuries

The vast majority of sports-related injury are commonly brain and head injuries. The reason being is that even an injury as small as a head bump can cause life-altering damage to the injured victim. It's no secret that the brain is the most important organ in our entire body, so when the brain suffers any type of damage, it can generate long-term or even permanent brain damage. If a child suffers a brain injury caused by a sports injury, it may result in child development issues.

Muscle & Ligament Injuries

Ligament twists and strains, like fractures, are widespread in sports. Ligaments are an important element of most of the body's joints, and they can be damaged by intense physical activity. Ligaments are one of the most often damaged anatomical parts in sports activities. Depending on the severity of the injury, healing may need either little or major medical treatment.

Seek Legal Advice From Our Sports Injury Lawyers

Though it's true that sports injuries indeed happen all the time, it is not quite that often that one leads to a sports injury lawsuit. This is because it's not very common that sports accidents happen because of negligence or lack of carelessness. It can be difficult to play a sport and not get injured just due to human error or simple accidents. There are only so many safety standards that can be created and enforced to prevent injuries; after a certain point, the dangers inherent in the game will always exist.

Many injured victims of sports accidents, on the other hand, are simply unaware that they have the option of filing a lawsuit. This is why our firm provides free case evaluations and legal advice to personal injury victims who believe they might have a case.

At Garden State Justice Group, we offer individuals a free consultation in order to help them navigate the claims process and to learn whether the sports activities that caused them serious injury due to someone else's negligence, can be held accountable. We pride ourselves in providing our personal injury victims with the best attorney-client relationship, to ensure they receive the highest standard quality of service.

Our team of injury lawyers at Garden State Justice Group continue representing clients in the New Jersey area including but not limited to:

  • Ocean County
  • Atlantic County
  • Burlington County
  • Mercer County
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(833) 652-9264

Our Local Injury Offices in New Jersey

Garden State Justice Group
15 Burnt Mill Rd # D
Cherry Hill, NJ 08003
(856) 436-7034
VX6V+48 Cherry Hill, New Jersey
Garden State Justice Group
602 Broadway
Camden, NJ 08103
(856) 436-7242
WVQJ+39 Camden, New Jersey
Garden State Justice Group
438 Ganttown Rd d
Sewell, NJ 08080
(856) 436-7593
PWRG+4W Sewell, Mantua Township, NJ
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Garden State Justice Group. All rights reserved. 

This website is by DiLeonardo Law LLC d/b/a Garden State Justice Group. We have offices throughout the state of New Jersey with attorneys licensed to practice law in New Jersey. Use of this site does not form an attorney-client relationship and information herein shall not be construed as legal advice. This website is to be considered as ATTORNEY ADVERTISING. Past settlement and verdict values are no guarantee of similar future outcomes. This firm may retain local counsel for prosecuting cases. Results may vary from case to case depending on the specific circumstances of the case. This website has not been approved by the Supreme Court of New Jersey.
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