Swimming Pool Accident Lawyers Serving New Jersey Victims

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The limited warm months in New Jersey are treasured by pool-goers across the state. Unfortunately, many of these much-anticipated trips to public or private pools result in severe injuries or death.

NJ Pool Accident Attorneys

There are many factors that can lead to a swimming pool accident. Yet, in many cases, personal injuries at pools could have been avoided if more care had been taken. If you're wondering whether hiring a lawyer after a pool accident is right for you, our slip and fall attorneys can help. We handle all manner of injury claims, and we fight with passion so that our clients may get the justice and compensation they deserve.

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"Trust us with your claim. You won't regret it." - Shane Sullivan Esq.

Can A Swimming Pool Accident Lead To A Lawsuit?

Just about any type of swimming pool accident or injury can result in a lawsuit being filed. In general, New Jersey laws allow for individuals to file a legal claim against another if they believe that they have suffered damages of any kind. Of course, this can include physical damages such as personal injuries as well as other types such as destruction of property and even emotional distress.

Many swimming pool accident claims in New Jersey are built on the legal basis of premises liability. Premises liability codes speak to the responsibility that the owner of a property owes to visitors on said property. In the case of a swimming pool, the responsible party can be the owner of the pool (private pool), a managing company (neighborhood pools), or even a county (public county pools).

The manufacturer of pool components may also be held liable. For instance, if a pool suction pump causes a drowning, the pump's manufacturer may be held liable. Additionally, the company that built the pool may also be held liable if the materials used were inadequate for the application.

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Common Swimming Pool Accident Injuries

Swimming pools across the state of New Jersey are very varied. As a result, the types of injuries that can result on these premises are incredibly varied. Some of the most common pool injuries include:

  • Drowning accidents: Few events are more tragic than losing someone to drowning after spending the day at the pool. The truth is, no pool-goer ever imagines their day will end this way. Yet, every year, there are drownings in swimming pools. Many parents of young children keep a constant watch on their children because of the risk of drowning. Despite this, drowning remains one of the leading causes of death in children across New Jersey.
  • Near-drownings: have many characteristics in common with drowning with the clear distinction being that they do not result in the victim's death. Nevertheless, near-drownings can cause severe injuries including brain damage even when they appear to be a fortunate outcome. An injury of this magnitude can have long-term effects not only on the victims themselves but also on their loved ones.
  • Slip and fall accidents: Accidents involving slips and falls occur quite frequently in pools, so this likely comes as a surprise to most. Indeed, no matter who you are, slipping and falling in a pool area has likely happened to you at least once as a child or adult. Accidents often occur when water pools on surfaces near swimming pools. It is still possible to slip even in the presence of slip-resistant materials since water can still collect in these areas if they are not properly managed. While children will likely continue to play after slipping or tripping and falling on the outside of a pool as if nothing had happened, adults can suffer the same accident and suffer serious injury.
  • Pool pump and drain entrapment: Suction pumps and drains in swimming pools have caused gruesome pool deaths in the past because of unregulated usage. Decades ago, a young Florida girl was fatally injured when her hair became stuck in a hot tub drain. Another premises liability lawsuit centered on a swimming pool accident involving a young boy who became trapped in a drain at the bottom of a pool. Although the child survived, he suffered irremediable brain damage. Consumer product safety agencies, including the American Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), have created regulations to reduce such tragedies. A similar end goal has also been sought and largely achieved through federal legislation. This has reduced the number of these types of swimming pool accidents substantially but does not completely eliminate the risk.

Other Swimming Pool Injuries

Pool accidents have death as their most devastating outcome yet other severe injuries also result with some regularity. These include bone fractures, ligaments tears, contusions, head trauma (TBI), nerve damage, and more. While the range of injuries is wide, it does not mean that only the most serious of physical injuries result in litigation. As discussed above, any kind of damage is grounds for victims to seek compensation and remuneration.

When To Hire A Swimming Pool Accident Lawyer?

If safety hazards exist on the premises of a pool, these should be mitigated by the parties in charge of the property. More specifically, issues should be fixed within a reasonable amount of time. Unfortunately, establishing what is reasonable within a court of law can be quite challenging, especially for individuals without legal experience. This is where hiring a swimming pool injury attorney can prove vital for plaintiffs looking to file an injury lawsuit.

Victims and their families are entitled to pursue various types of compensation from pool owners depending on their case. Nonetheless, it is virtually impossible to assign an estimated dollar amount to a pool accident case before it makes its way to court or even the negotiation phase.

Swimming pool accident lawyers or law firms handling the claim calculate the damages in each case. Amounts will be calculated based on expenses such as medical bills, lost wages, lost personal income, loss of future income, pain & suffering, and future medical costs, among others.

You can learn about your chances of obtaining compensation by consulting with an experienced swimming pool accident lawyer. There is no guarantee that a legal professional will succeed - they can only point to their past successes to demonstrate what they can do on behalf of their clients.

Consult For Free Today

Contact us now via our 24/7 helping or fill out the form on this page to get in touch with our experienced attorneys. We will analyze your case for free, explain the legal avenues available to you, and if you decide to file a claim, we will represent you on contingency. This means that you will not owe any legal dues unless our lawyers secure compensation on your behalf. You've got nothing to lose by taking the first step towards justice. 

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This website is by DiLeonardo Law LLC d/b/a Garden State Justice Group. We have offices throughout the state of New Jersey with attorneys licensed to practice law in New Jersey. Use of this site does not form an attorney-client relationship and information herein shall not be construed as legal advice. This website is to be considered as ATTORNEY ADVERTISING. Past settlement and verdict values are no guarantee of similar future outcomes. This firm may retain local counsel for prosecuting cases. Results may vary from case to case depending on the specific circumstances of the case. This website has not been approved by the Supreme Court of New Jersey.
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