University Sexual Abuse Lawyer In New Jersey

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How Can I Seek Compensation For University Sexual Abuse?

Many universities in New Jersey have policies and procedures in place to prevent sexual abuse. However, sexual abuse or sexual assault can still occur and a student may not know that he or she has been a victim of sexual abuse. When this happens, a student may have difficulty reporting it.

At Garden State Justice Group, we help victims of university sexual abuse file a private lawsuit against the university or school in which the abuse occurred. Our law firm has helped thousands of students get justice and fair compensation for their sexual abuse.

Our law firm has successfully handled many university sexual abuse cases and we are ready to assist you if you were a victim of sexual abuse. Call us now for a free consultation.

"Trust us with your claim. You won't regret it." - Shane Sullivan Esq.

Sexual Abuse in College and University

For decades, our law firm has represented dozens of men and women who have been sexually abused or sexually assaulted while attending American universities and colleges. In many instances, we have obtained large settlements and verdicts against schools and universities throughout New Jersey.

We understand how difficult it is for victims to come forward and report incidents of sexual misconduct. But when sexual assault or abuse occurs at a school or university, there are often no clear lines of authority, making it easier for predators to prey upon young adults and children.

Our sexual abuse lawyers know what it takes to win such cases because we have handled numerous high-profile cases over the course of decades. And we know that the vast majority of universities and colleges are committed to providing safe environments for students. However, too often, those efforts fall short.

For example, some universities fail to conduct proper background checks on employees. Others fail to investigate allegations of misconduct properly. Still, others fail to provide adequate training to prevent future sexual assault or abuse. As a result, children continue to suffer abuse at American universities and colleges.

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What Is Sexual Abuse In Universities?

Sexual abuse in universities is a very serious problem. In many universities, there is no way to report any type of sex crime whether its sexual assault or sexual abuse. This means that it is almost impossible to bring an abuser to justice. In order to make a sexual abuse claim in universities, you must file a complaint within a two year window of the incident. Otherwise, you will lose your right to make a claim.

Our law firm offers confidential consultations and free legal advice on sex crimes in universities. You do not have to go through the trauma of the civil justice system if you have suffered from sexual harassment of any kind in university.

What To Do When Sexual Abuse In Schools Happen

Childhood sexual abuse is a serious problem in our society today. In fact, according to the National Center for Victims of Crime, one out of every six girls and one out of every 14 boys will experience some form of sexual victimization or physical force during childhood. Unfortunately, many children don’t report the abuse because they fear retaliation. However, even if they do speak up about the abuse, they often find themselves alone in reporting the crime to authorities. This creates a dangerous situation where the perpetrator could continue committing crimes against other victims without being caught.

If your child reports that he or she was abused by a school employee, the new law requires that you contact local law enforcement officials immediately. But what happens next depends on whether the school district is subject to state laws or federal guidelines.

State & Federal Guidelines When Dealing With Sexual Abuse In The School System

State laws vary widely across the United States, but generally speaking, parents must follow certain procedures to file a complaint with the police. You must fill out a written statement detailing the alleged abuse and provide copies of medical records related to the incident. Once the investigation begins, the school district must notify law enforcement within 48 hours and allow investigators access to the school premises. Parents also have the option of filing a civil lawsuit against the school district or the parties responsible.

Federal guidelines differ slightly from state requirements, but they still require parents to file a written complaint with the law enforcement criminal prosecutors. Federal guidelines also mandate that the school district conduct an internal investigation into the allegations. School administrators must determine whether the student’s account is credible. They must document the findings of the investigation and keep those documents safe. Finally, school officials must report the finding to law enforcement within 10 days.

In addition to contacting law enforcement, it is important that you consider seeking counseling for yourself and any family member affected by the incident. Child sexual abuse affects everyone involved—the abuser, his or her accomplices, and the victim. Children who suffer abuse often feel confused, ashamed, angry, afraid, and guilty. These feelings can lead to depression, anxiety disorders, eating disorders, substance abuse, self-harm, and suicidal thoughts. Counseling can help your child cope with the trauma of the abuse and help him or her recover emotionally.

Justice For Victims Of Sexual Abuse & Sexual Assault

Garden State Justice Group is dedicated to helping victims of sexual acts seek justice and recover compensation. As such, we represent clients in civil lawsuits against schools, colleges, hospitals, and other institutions where students and employees have been sexually abused in New Jersey. We also help our clients pursue criminal charges against individuals who committed assaults against them. Additionally, we provide legal representation to sexual abuse victims who are seeking financial compensation for the harm inflicted upon them.

Our team of experienced sexual abuse lawyers works to ensure that our clients receive the full measure of justice they deserve. Whether you are a victim of sexual abuse or sexual assault, or know someone who is, we encourage you to contact us today for a free, initial consultation.

New Jersey Programs for Victims of Sexual Violence

If you are the victim of sexual violence, there are resources available to help you. You can call the 24 hour hotline at 1-800 - 601-7200 or go to the state’s website for more information about how to access assistance.

There is a 24-hour hotline for the many survivors of sexual assault, abuse and rape. This number is open 7 days a week and is staffed by professionals who can assist you. They can answer questions about what to do next and give you referrals to emergency shelters, hospitals, law enforcement agencies, counseling centers, advocacy organizations, and other helpful resources.

The Sexual Assault Response Team (also known as SART) can be called if the incident occurred within the last 5 days. A member of the team will come to your home, work, school, or public place and talk with you about your situation. He/she will make sure you are safe and comfortable and will take care of any immediate needs you might have. An advocate that's part of the criminal justice system will follow up with you later to see how things went.

Don't wait to get the help you deserve. 

Free Consultation with Sexual Abuse Lawyer in New Jersey

Sexual abuse and sexual assaults are some of society’s most taboo topics. And while victims of such sex crimes are often hesitant to seek out legal help, they are often left without options due to a lack of resources and knowledge about how to proceed. This is where Garden State Justice Group steps in. Contact an experienced sexual abuse lawyer to help you understand the stigma surrounding these types of cases and offer compassionate legal representation in our New Jersey law offices. Our attorneys work closely with clients to ensure that they receive the best possible outcome based on their unique circumstances.

We know that people don’t want to talk about it, and we respect that. But there are times when you must speak up and take action. If you’ve been sexually abused or assaulted, the law offers certain protections and remedies that can help you move forward in your healing process. You deserve justice, and our team of personal injury lawyers are here to provide it. Call our law office in New Jersey today to schedule your free, confidential consultation.

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