Category: Personal Injury – Resources & News in New Jersey

A personal injury can happen to anyone, for any reason, just about anywhere. Unfortunately, most residents of New Jersey find this hard to believe - that is until they become a victim of such an unexpected injury themselves. If you've recently suffered a personal injury, you can learn more about your options and how to get started on filing a personal injury lawsuit by visiting the following resource: NJ Personal Injury Lawyers.

Additionally, in the second half of this page, you will find our collection of the latest articles on personal injury lawsuits, compensation, and frequently asked questions (FAQs). While the information on our site can be valuable to personal injury victims, consulting your case directly with an injury law firm is likely to prove more helpful.

Garden State Justice Group Logo
"We won't stop until you get justice" - Shane Sullivan, Esq.
(833) 652-9264
April 26, 2023
How Long Do I Have To File a Dog Bite Claim in New Jersey?
April 24, 2023
Who Is Entitled to File a Wrongful Death Lawsuit in New Jersey?
April 7, 2023
What Are Special Damages in a NJ Personal Injury Lawsuit?
March 29, 2023
Who is Responsible for My Injuries At a New Jersey Airport?
March 24, 2023
How Long Do You Have To File A Personal Injury Claim In New Jersey?
January 24, 2023
What are Signs of Mesothelioma?
January 18, 2023
How Much Does It Cost to Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer in New Jersey?
January 13, 2023
What Should I Do If Attacked By a Dog in New Jersey?
December 7, 2022
Common Types of Brain Injuries in New Jersey
October 28, 2022
What Are The Common Causes For Pedestrian Accidents in New Jersey?
September 12, 2022
Choosing the Right Brain Injury Lawyer in New Jersey
July 18, 2022
How to Recover Compensation for Mesothelioma Claims in New Jersey?
July 18, 2022
What Are the Five Steps to Filing a Personal Injury Lawsuit in New Jersey?
July 18, 2022
How Long Does It Take to Settle a Personal Injury Claim in New Jersey?
June 30, 2022
What Are The Types of Damages Awarded in a New Jersey Personal Injury Case?
March 28, 2022
How To Pick the Right Personal Injury Lawyer in New Jersey?
February 21, 2022
How to File a Personal Injury Lawsuit in New Jersey?
February 21, 2022
Do I Need To Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer After My Injury in New Jersey?
February 18, 2022
What Types of Damages Can Be Awarded In a Personal Injury Lawsuit in New Jersey?
February 18, 2022
10 Most Common Types of Personal Injuries in New Jersey
February 18, 2020
Top Golf Accidents and Injuries
February 3, 2020
Frequently Asked Questions: Personal Injuries
January 31, 2020
Types Of Compensation For Personal Injury Claims In New Jersey
January 31, 2020
Winning A Personal Injury Claim In New Jersey
January 30, 2020
NJ Statute of Limitations: Personal Injury Cases
January 30, 2020
What Qualifies For Compensation In Personal Accident Claims In New Jersey?
Contact Us Today For A Free Consultation
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Garden State Justice Group. All rights reserved. 

This website is by DiLeonardo Law LLC d/b/a Garden State Justice Group. We have offices throughout the state of New Jersey with attorneys licensed to practice law in New Jersey. Use of this site does not form an attorney-client relationship and information herein shall not be construed as legal advice. This website is to be considered as ATTORNEY ADVERTISING. Past settlement and verdict values are no guarantee of similar future outcomes. This firm may retain local counsel for prosecuting cases. Results may vary from case to case depending on the specific circumstances of the case. This website has not been approved by the Supreme Court of New Jersey.
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