For decades, child sexual abuse has been alarmingly common across the United States. By coming forward about abuse you may have suffered, you can help put a stop to abuse happening to others. You're here because:
Our experienced child sex abuse lawyers are here to help. Our team understands the trauma you've been through. You can trust our compassionate legal team to get the answers you deserve and to fight for justice.
Our experienced child abuse and sexual abuse lawyers represent victims and know that justice is possible. It doesn't matter where you, or your child, experienced the assault, you were betrayed by someone you trusted. Child abuse can happen at schools or churches, by doctors, or even coaches.
New Jersey has a strong civil common law, which would apply to child abuse survivors, allowing for a lawsuit to be filed. A civil lawsuit would seek compensation for damages caused by the abuse. Compensation may cover:
By pursuing the criminal justice system, the perpetrator of the crime is held accountable. In these cases prosecutors go against the child abuse defense attorneys, looking to charge the perpetrator with criminal charges, jail time, and benefits society as a whole. The civil justice system is focused on you, the victim of child abuse, and helps you seek justice and compensation.
Developing an attorney-client relationship is important in child abuse cases as you should feel comfortable and safe with who you are choosing to represent your case. Call our attorneys for a free consultation where you feel no shame in sharing your experience.
Survivors of child abuse are often bullied into silence using fear, retaliation, and the perpetrators' position of power to keep the abuse quiet. Shame and embarrassment may lead the victim to believe that closure is impossible. However, this is not the case. Our child abuse lawyers believe you and do not want your voice to be silenced anymore.
In New Jersey, there are different statutes of limitations for sexual assault and sexual abuse. A law was recently passed expanding the statute of limitations for survivors of child abuse and sexual assault. This gives survivors up to their 55th birthday to file suit, or within 7 years from the time they became aware of the trauma. A free consultation can help explain the specifics of your child abuse case.
Child abuse laws punish perpetrators who sexually abuse children in crimes such as:
These offenses are typically either a 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th degree charge depending on the circumstance. For example, a first degree child abuse charge may come against someone who has sexual penetration with a child under 13-years old or if the victim of sexual penetration is between 13-16 where the adult has supervisory or disciplinary power over the victim. If you fear that your child is the victim of abuse or you have been a victim, the first step is to contact law enforcement, and then contact an experienced law firm.
Child abuse doesn't just cause physical harm, it can lead to mental injury and lasting damages. Abused children can struggle with relationships in the future or suffer from physical issues from their abuse. Some long term effects include:
Our child abuse lawyers understand that emotional trauma and pain do not go away after filing a child sexual abuse case or receiving compensation. But, by coming forward and speaking with an attorney, you can help other victims also find justice and potentially help protect future children from experiencing the same abuse.
If you are a parent of a child who has been abused, they may feel too frightened or ashamed to tell you directly so you may notice unusual behavior. This can include:
Not all signs of abuse are physical or mental. If you notice your child suddenly being able to afford things with no explanation, receiving a lot of money, or having luxury items from unexplained sources, this could be a form of grooming by the predator.
By seeking the guidance of an experienced child sex abuse law firm, a legal claim can be filed against those who were negligent and who committed a heinous crime. An experienced attorney will be able to navigate the legal system for you and fight for justice. If you haven't already, contact local law enforcement to document the abuse. While we understand that we cannot change the abuse you have already suffered, our attorneys fight to bring sexual assault to light in the hope to see even more changes in laws and employment checks for a person working directly with children.
Our attorneys understand it can be difficult to come forward with such sensitive information about your experience. Our phones are available 24/7 for a free consultation and your best interest is your goal. We want to take the pressure off your shoulders and let you or your child, and your family focus on healing from this trauma.