Commons Questions Asked by Victims of Slipping & Falling Injuries

Frequently Asked Questions Slip and Fall Lawsuits in New Jersey

The injuries resulting from a slip and fall incident can range from minimal bruises and scratches to severe fractures and even disfigurement.

Those who suffer the former type of trauma should consider themselves lucky. On the other hand, those who suffer the latter, more violent kind of injury should consider pursuing legal action.

Towards that purpose, our experimented team of slip and fall lawyers in New Jersey have come together to compile the information on this page. In it, we answer some of the most common questions asked by victims.

Even though you will find this insight valuable, we highly recommend discussing the specific circumstances of your injury with our team. You may do so at no charge to you by setting up a no-obligation appointment with our team via our 24/7 phone line or by submitting the form on this page. Only through a detailed analysis of your case will you be able to gather all the information you need to make such an important decision.

What is Covered by a Slip and Fall Lawsuit?

These kinds of legal proceedings are pursued by persons who are seeking compensation for damages they suffered due to the negligence of others. In falling incidents, the damages can include:

  • Physical damages - tarnishing of personal property
  • Lost wages - often occurs when disability prohibits a victim from returning to work or from completing any of their normal labor duties
    • Loss of potential future earnings can also be included
  • Pain/suffering - results not only from physical injury but also from professional medical treatment and any subsequent therapy that may be required
  • Mental anguish - can manifest from temporary or permanent disability
  • Loss of enjoyment of life - injuries often prevent victims from performing tasks they previously enjoyed
  • Loss of consortium - personal relationships can suffer as a result of injuries
    • For instance, the member of a sports team may lose touch with former teammates after losing the ability to participate

These are only a few examples of the real damages that victims may suffer; this list is by no means exhaustive and should stand as proof of how grave of an effect a slip and fall injury can have on the lives of those who suffer them.

How Much is the Average Slip & Fall Settlement in NJ?

While it would be mathematically possible to determine an average settlement amount of falling injury claims in the State of New Jersey, this final figure would simply not be an accurate representation of a victim's potential compensation.

This is due to the fact that, much like the lives of the individuals who suffer the injuries, every single claim is independent of all of the ones that came before it.

Settlements and compensation awards take into account a substantially large number of factors including the age of the victim, their line of work, the extent of the injuries, any dependents they may have, the potential for recovery from the injuries in the future, and even the level of negligence demonstrated by the defendant.

Any attorney who promises a certain amount of compensation to potential clients is likely lying or simply not experienced in the field of slip and fall claims. In either case, they are doing a disservice to the victim and their family.

How Long Does a Slip or Trip and Fall Case Take to Settle?

As with the previously answered question, many victims often also wonder how long their claim may take to resolve. Understandably, they want to know how long will it take for them to receive the compensation they desperately need to take care of themselves and their families.

Broadly speaking, most claims will be resolved in a settlement. This is to say, a formal lawsuit will never be filed as both parties will negotiate some sort of agreement outside of a court of law.

These negotiations involve numerous offers and counter-offers. Moreover, additional evidence may arise after an initial demand letter is sent by the victim's attorney to the negligent party. The introduction of new facts into negotiation proceedings can substantially extend the time frame to reach a settlement. This is because both parties will have to reconsider how new information affects the final amount that they are willing to settle on.

All in all, a settlement may take weeks to months to finalize.

If for whatever reason no agreement is reached by the two parties, then the victim's lawyers will move forward with the lawsuit that is to be argued in court in front of a judge or jury. Lawsuits are extremely time-intensive; they also require a lot of resources, financially speaking. Expert witnesses may have to be hired, along with additional investigators during the initial discovery phase. As opposed to a settlement agreement, a slip and fall lawsuit can take several months and even years to be resolved.

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602 Broadway
Camden, NJ 08103
(856) 436-7242
WVQJ+39 Camden, New Jersey
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Garden State Justice Group
438 Ganttown Rd d
Sewell, NJ 08080
(856) 436-7593
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Sewell, NJ Law Office
Date Published: February 4, 2020
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This website is by DiLeonardo Law LLC d/b/a Garden State Justice Group. We have offices throughout the state of New Jersey with attorneys licensed to practice law in New Jersey. Use of this site does not form an attorney-client relationship and information herein shall not be construed as legal advice. This website is to be considered as ATTORNEY ADVERTISING. Past settlement and verdict values are no guarantee of similar future outcomes. This firm may retain local counsel for prosecuting cases. Results may vary from case to case depending on the specific circumstances of the case. This website has not been approved by the Supreme Court of New Jersey.
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