New Jersey Lawyers For Victims Of Sexual Abuse By Doctors

Doctors conducting procedure on patient in ER

Did you or a loved one place your trust in a doctor who exploited it by committing sexual assault? We can help you get justice.

  • A lawsuit can be taken against a doctor and/or hospital
  • Compensation for physical and emotional damages
  • 100% confidential, 100% free legal consultation

Our NJ doctor sexual abuse attorneys have fought against predatory medical professionals in the past. They've also taken on and won against the hospitals that hide and enable their crimes. We can help you bring the truth to light.

Sexual Abuse In Doctor's Offices

When you visit a health practitioner, you are putting your complete trust in the hands of a medical professional who you expect to provide the highest standard of care. This trust and confidence are not misguided; indeed, doctors must treat their patients with attention, care, and, most importantly, respect.

If the trust component does not exist in a doctor-patient relationship, it's very likely that the care and medical advice provided will not be followed and will not be effective.

Regrettably, it appears that in recent years there have been many high-profile cases where nurses and doctors sexually abused patients who deeply trusted them. Even worse is the fact that no segment of medicine is safe from wrong - sexual abuse of patients in New Jersey has been committed by doctors, massage therapists, psychologists, nursing home caregivers, chiropractors, and more.

The Effects Of Abusive Physicians

It goes without saying that the lives of patients sexually abused by their doctors are never the same.

Many are not able to tell their story because of shame and embarrassment. Others fear that they won't be believed, or that the community will stand behind the medical professional by default. This emotional stress can bring on many other medical conditions such as anxiety and depression.

In the end, many are forced to keep the assault to themselves and are likewise left to deal with trauma on their own.

Legal Action After Abuse In Hospitals & Medical Centers

Victims of any kind of abuse at the hands of a medical professional, whether it be sexual, mental, or physical, deserve the right to fight for and achieve justice.

The criminal justice system can play a part in putting criminals behind bars but it does little for the victims. On the other hand, the civil justice system puts powerful and robust legal options in the hands of those whose lives were affected the most. Patients sexually assaulted by their doctors need to know that both of these options can be pursued at the same time.

This is to say, just because a doctor has been found guilty of sexual abuse by a criminal court, it does not mean that the victims can pursue a civil claim. Victims would want to seek justice via a civil sexual abuse lawsuit as it can help them achieve compensation that is not limited by the regulations encountered in criminal law.

Our experienced civil sex abuse victim lawyers can help you learn more about all of the options at your disposal. You may believe you don't have a case, or that it's too late to get justice, but if you don't ask, you'll never know. Contact us today and get the answers you need to make the right decision for yourself and your loved ones.

How Does Physician Abuse Occur?

We mentioned earlier the trust that needs to exist between doctors and patients for professional medical treatment to be most effective. This is the same trust that physicians will often use to commit their atrocities.

The trust puts the doctor in a position of power which they will then exploit. Moreover, doctors visits almost always occur in a consultation room or doctor's office, behind closed doors. Some professionals use unnecessary physical examinations to first "groom" their patients. After the initial exam, they will then subject them to other invasive examinations that ultimately turn into more severe forms of assault.

If you have experienced this kind of misconduct, we believe you, we support you, and we can help.

Why Aren't Abusive Doctors Held Accountable?

There is seemingly a trend in the health industry where a specific healthcare provider will accumulate reports of misconduct. When the hospital or organization that employs them finally decides to take action, they will generally just allow them to leave. This same criminal will simply go work at another health center where they can begin with a clean record and continue violating patients.

It has also been uncovered that a large part of witnesses to these crimes are scared of speaking up. It is normal for sexual abuse witnesses to fear losing their jobs or retaliation for making a report. Even worse, some have experienced professional censure for their honesty and bravery.

When victims and witnesses speak up but are muffled by the powers that be, this further exacerbates the problem. But our physician abuse lawyers want to change this.

Free Consultations In NJ

If you were the victim of sexual abuse or assault by your doctor in New Jersey, our law firm is here to help. We have experienced attorneys who can help you win this fight because it is possible to win. You can finally tell your story and hold accountable those who permitted this horrible crime to occur.

More Info

For more legal resources, visit our next page: Victims Of Sexual Abuse By Priests In New Jersey Can Seek Justice

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Cherry Hill, NJ 08003
(856) 436-7034
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Garden State Justice Group
602 Broadway
Camden, NJ 08103
(856) 436-7242
WVQJ+39 Camden, New Jersey
Camden, NJ Law Office
Garden State Justice Group
438 Ganttown Rd d
Sewell, NJ 08080
(856) 436-7593
PWRG+4W Sewell, Mantua Township, NJ
Sewell, NJ Law Office
Date Published: March 30, 2020
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