The History of Elizabethport, NJ

The slip and fall lawyers in Elizabethport, NJ, at Garden State Justice Group, have put together the following article about the area.


The coastal town of Elizabethport is located on the eastern side of Elizabeth in Union County, New Jersey. This section of the city is the oldest and has a diverse population. It is located less than five miles from the Newark Liberty International Airport.


The construction of the NJ Railroad, the Delaware and Lackawana Railroad, and the Elizabeth and Somerville Railroad through Elizabeth in the 1840s created many immigrants to move to the area searching for work. Originally, Dutch and English settled the area and bought out the land, pushing the Native Americans further inland. With the search for religious freedom the forefront of the immigrant's goal, they all took up a community around Christian churches, such as the following:

  • Slavic - Sts. Peter and Paul Byzantine
  • Lithuanian - Sts. Peter and Paul Roman Catholic
  • Polish - St. Adalbert's Roman Catholic Church
  • Irish & German - Immaculate Hear of Mary & Saint Patrick
  • Italian - St. Anthony's
  • Portuguese - Sacred Heart

Sts. Peter & Paul

As early as 1878, Lithuanian settlers began to form a community in the area to become Elizabethport. With their community growing so fast, in 1891, Reverand Joseph Kaulakis from Philadelphia and Reverand Joseph Zebrys from Connecticut elected to form their own congregation. In 1893 a fund for the new parish was created, and by 1894 they had raised $1,200. The land was purchased and Reverand Juozas Servetka, from Pittsburgh, would become the first bishop. The opening celebration would be on January 12, 1896. Due to the expanding population of Lithuanians in the area, the church was expanded in 1970.

St. Adalbert's Roman Catholic Church

Polish settlers began to move to the area in the 1870s but would travel to New York to go to a church that spoke their language. However, in 1905 many Polish residents and Reverand Vitus J. Masnicki, the pastor of the Newark church, decided to form their own parish. Named after the Patron and Apostle of Poland, Saint Adalbert was founded. In 1906 property was purchased, and the construction of the church and a school began. Restorations of the building have taken place to keep the parish functional to this day.

Immaculate Heart of Mary & Saint Patrick

The construction of the St. Patrick's Church began in 1889 and, with the laboring assistance of its pastor, Reverand Martin Gessner, was built by Frank Mulligan. The parish served the Irish settlers that flocked to the area in search of work. The interior included marble imported directly from Italy. The reverend raised money along with its congregation to avoid borrowing from anyone.

Marinas & Ports

Initially, this coastal area was known as Newark Meadows, but around 1910 a shipping channel was excavated. This would become Port Newark. Along with the ports and the construction of the railroads, the population of the area began to increase drastically.

This collection of ports and marinas serves as a principal component to New Jersey and New York shipments. In 1985 it was considered the busiest in the world and 2004, the third-largest in the world. The principal port operators include:

  • Maher Terminal
  • APM Terminal
  • Port Newark Container Terminal

Also See: A Historic Look into Elizabeth, NJ

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Date Published: April 30, 2021
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