All About Hopelawn, NJ

The slip and fall attorneys in Hopelawn, NJ, at Garden State Justice Group, invite you to read the following about the area.


The unincorporated community of Hopelawn, New Jersey, is located north of the Raritan River and 12.9 miles southwest of Elizabeth. The Garden State Parkway creates the neighborhood's western border, and the New Jersey Turnpike is its northern border. Route 35 lines the eastern border, and the Raritan River creates its southern border.


The area was initially named Hope's Lawn, later shortened to Hopelawn, after a prominent resident and farm owner, Luther Martin Hope. Although Hope was born in Modestown, Virginia, he made the area his place for retirement. He purchased his homestead that was formerly the Old Billy Watson's farm. Hope operated a mercantile business in his prime and would live in Hopelawn until his death in 1907. Many of the streets in the area have been named after his children, including the following:

  • Juliette
  • Loretta
  • May
  • Luther
  • Lee
  • Warren
  • James
  • Howard
  • Clyde
  • John
  • Ellen
  • Charles
  • Herbert
  • Erin
  • Emmitt
  • William

The area was well known for its plentitude of rich clay. The McHose Clay Company and the Such Clay Company would extract clay from the area and several surrounding towns that all made up "The Clay Banks." The Lehigh Valley Railroad operated two lines that crossed the Hopelawn Clay Banks.

Hopelawn Volunteer Engine Co. #1

The Bruce Turcotte Memorial Park was originally the Hopelawn Park after Luther Martin Hope. It would later be renamed to honor of the first line-of-duty death for the Hopelawn Engine Company #1. This volunteer fire department was formed in 1914 and consisted of one dozen buckets. The buckets would be used to put out a fire at Al Black's farm a week after it was established. For two more years, the bucket system was used when they finally purchased a chemical wagon that the firefighters pulled manually. 

Barrett's barn on May Street and Florida Grove would later serve as a station and house equipment such as a hammer and an alarming locomotive wheel. In 1921 they got their own building at the edge of May Street and Charles Street under the chief John Jancisko. In 1937 the Hopelawn Engine Co. #1 created the First Aid Squad.


The Hopelawn neighborhood is a wealthy neighborhood with diverse ancestry. At least 32.4% of its population was born outside of the country. The resident's ancestral breakdown is the following:

  • 22.4% Dominican
  • 13.1% South American
  • 6.3% Italian 
  • 5.4% Irish
  • 11.2% Puerto Rican

Read More: Diving into the History of Fords, NJ

Our Local Office

If you, or someone you know, has been hurt in a slip and fall, our experienced Hopelawn, NJ, slip and fall attorneys at Garden State Justice Group will seek the justice you deserve. Call today for a complimentary consultation.

Garden State Justice Group
279 New Brunswick Ave 2nd Fl
Fords, NJ 08863
(732) 695-4369

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Date Published: April 27, 2021
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