All About Saddle Brook, NJ

The worker's comp attorneys in Saddle Brook, NJ, at Garden State Justice Group, invite you to learn about the neighborhood's history.

Saddle Brook

The township of Saddle Brook is situated in Bergen County, New Jersey. The 1766.4-acre community has the Garden State Parkway and Christopher Columbus Highway or Interstate 80 crossing through its center. Saddle River forms the eastern border as the western edge follows the NJ Transit line. Elmwood Park sits to the west and Rochelle Park to its east. 


The township was formed on March 20, 1716, and included all of the land in Bergen County to the west of Saddle River. It is one of the county's oldest municipalities. It was officially incorporated by the Township Act of 1798 among the group of 104 townships in the state. The township was named after the river that got its name from the Scotland valley, Saddell, Argyll. The name changed from Saddle River Township to Saddle Brook in 1955.

Historical Landmarks

The area that is now the Riverside Cemetery was originally home to Richard Romaine overlooking the two mills on the 125-acre estate. In 1906 the area became the Lakewood Cemetery, and the first burial took place in 1910. This Jewish-only cemetery is home to as many as 65,000 burials. The pristine landscape was designed off the style of New York's Central Park, designed by Frederick Law Olmsted. It currently consists of winding paths and over 25,000 plantings throughout the property. Some notable burials include:

  • 1898-1959 - Abraham Jacob Bogdanove - painter and educator
  • 1943-2008 - Moshe Cotel - composer
  • 1906-1991 - Beatrice Pons - Actress
  • 1898-1988 - Isidor Isaac Rabi - Nobel Prize in Physics Recipient


The town's population was 13,659 and consisted of 5,286 households and 3,690 families, according to the 2010 census. This was an increase of 3.8% from the count of 13,155 in 2000. The racial makeup of the neighborhood was the following: 

  • 46.67% white
  • 24.44% African American
  • 35.31% Hispanic or Latino
  • 10.30% Asian
  • 0.56% Native American
  • 0.02% Pacific Islander
  • 13.59% other races
  • 4.42% two or more races

The population includes 23.23% that were born outside of the United States. The most common ancestries that make up the diverse area include:

  • Italian
  • Irish
  • Polish
  • German
  • Dutch

The average income per household was $79,279 in 2010. This was an increase from $63,545 in 2000. As many as 35.69% of the population has a bachelor's degree or higher. The occupational breakdown of the working adults in the area was the following: 

  • 12.95% service and sales jobs
  • 11.49% executive and management occupations
  • 11.14% office and administrative support roles

Learn more: Getting to Know the History of Elmwood Park, NJ

Our Local Office

If you are experiencing lost wages from an injury caused at work, you may be entitled to compensation. Our experienced Saddle Brook, NJ, worker's comp attorneys at Garden State Justice Group know that understanding worker's comp can be daunting. Contact our office now for a free no-obligation consultation.

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(551) 290-2500

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Garden State Justice Group
438 Ganttown Rd d
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(856) 436-7593
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Date Published: May 20, 2021
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