Slip and Fall Accidents, Explained by New Jersey Slip and Fall Attorneys

Slip and Fall Accidents, Explained by New Jersey Slip and Fall Attorneys

Slip And Fall Accidents in New Jersey

Slipping, tripping, and falling accidents happen every day. They can cause serious injuries and lead to costly medical bills and lost wages. If you were injured due to a slip, trip, or fall accident, you may be entitled to compensation. In order to recover damages, you must prove negligence on the part of the property owner. Negligence occurs when an individual fails to exercise reasonable care under the circumstances. Our experienced slip and fall lawyers at Garden State Justice Group can help. 

Seek medical care for an injury caused by a slip, trip, or fall in the area here:

Learn more about their differences and how to recover damages from an unexpected injury.

What Is A Slip And Fall Accident?

Slip and fall accidents happen every day. They occur in public places such as parking garages, shopping malls, restaurants, hotels, office buildings, schools, hospitals, and apartment complexes.

In fact, slip and fall accidents account for approximately one-third of all injuries reported to emergency rooms nationwide.

So what exactly is a slip and fall accident?

It happens when an individual falls due to slipping on a foreign substance on a floor surface. This may include water, ice, snow, mud, sand, grease, oil, chemicals, dirt, dust, debris, or any other material that causes a slippery condition.

There are several factors that contribute to slips and falls. Some common ones include:

  • Poorly maintained floors
  • Wet surfaces
  • Unsafe conditions
  • Lack of lighting
  • Improper signage
  • Poorly trained staff

What Is A Trip And Fall Accident?

Trip and fall accidents happen every year. They are one of the leading causes of death among young adults between the ages of 18 and 34. In fact, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, nearly 2 million people were injured in trip and falls last year alone.

So, what exactly is a trip and fall accident? Here's everything you need to know.

A trip and fall occur when an individual trips and falls down stairs, steps, ramps, or any other place where they have no support. This happens most often when individuals walk too fast, forget to watch where they step, or fail to notice obstacles such as cracks, holes, or uneven surfaces. Other times, you may break bones or sustain internal injuries. These types of injuries are common after a trip and fall.

Slip, Trip, And Fall Statistics

In fact, according to the National Safety Council, slips, trips, and falls account for approximately 30% of all injuries reported each year.

So what does this mean?

Well, it means that one in three accidents involves a slip, trip, or fall. That's a huge number! With that said, here are some facts about slip, trip, and falls:

  • Fact #1: Slip, trip, and fall accidents happen most often between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m.
  • Fact #2: Falls are the leading cause of accidental death among children ages 1-14 years old.
  • Fact #3: According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, slip, trip, and fall accidents are the third leading cause of unintentional injury deaths among adults ages 65 and older.
  • Fact #4: People who live alone are twice as likely to suffer a slip, trip, or falls than those living with others.

What To Do After A Slip And Fall/Trip And Fall

Slips and falls happen every day. They may seem harmless, but they can cause serious injuries. If you slip and fall, you may be entitled to compensation.

In order to receive compensation after a slip and fall accident, you must prove that the property owner was negligent. This means that the property owner failed to maintain the premises in a safe condition.

Step 1: Seek Medical Treatment

After a slip and fall, call 911 right away. This is especially true if you sustain an injury that causes pain or bleeding. Do not attempt to treat yourself. It is extremely dangerous to self-medicate after a slip and fall. Self-treatment can result in further injury or worse. Get immediate medical care. Go to the nearest emergency room or urgent care center.

Step 2: Report The Incident

Contact your insurance provider to file a claim. Make sure you provide all relevant documentation related to the accident.

Report the incident to law enforcement. Tell police officers and firefighters what happened. They can assist you in filing a report.

Step 3: Collect Witness Information

Take pictures of the area where you fell. Take pictures of any signs of hazards such as loose objects or debris. Write down everything that happened. Include information such as the date, time, weather conditions, and location.

Keep copies of your medical bills, prescriptions, doctor notes, and receipts. These documents can prove useful later if you need to dispute charges or seek reimbursement.

Step 4: Do Not Accept Low Settlements

In general, injured parties should reject any settlement offers unless they are offered fair compensation for their injuries. If you receive a settlement offer, you should consult with an experienced personal injury lawyer immediately.

It is difficult to determine exactly how much a person has lost due to their injuries. Therefore, it is impossible to accurately estimate the monetary value of those losses. However, an experienced personal injury lawyer can provide you with a reasonable estimate of the damages you may suffer. This information will allow you to evaluate whether the settlement amount represents a fair value for your injuries.

Step 5: Contact Your Attorney

Consulting with an experienced personal injury lawyer can help you determine whether you have grounds for a case. A personal injury lawyer knows how to handle these types of cases. They will advise you on the best course of action based on your situation and help to negotiate the maximum settlement. 

Why Hire A Slip and Fall Lawyer?

Slip and fall accidents happen every single day. They occur in public places such as grocery stores, shopping malls, restaurants, hotels, office buildings, schools, hospitals, and much more. They can cause serious injuries, especially to older adults and children. If you slip and fall in any of these locations, you may suffer serious injury.

In addition, if you are injured due to another person's negligence, you may be entitled to compensation. This compensation can include medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and more. However, if you don't hire an experienced slip and fall lawyer, you may not receive fair compensation. By hiring a slip and fall attorney, you can ensure that you receive fair compensation for your injuries.

After you have hired a slip and fall lawyer, he or she will explain everything to you. He or she will tell you whether you qualify for compensation, how much you can expect to receive, and what steps you need to take next. They will also advise you on how to handle the situation. For example, you may need to file a lawsuit against the negligent party. A slip and fall lawyer will also provide you with information regarding insurance coverage.

What Compensation Can I Receive for a Slip and Fall Injury?

In order to receive compensation for a slip and fall accident, you must prove that the defendant was negligent. Negligence occurs when a person fails to exercise reasonable care under the circumstances. This failure to exercise reasonable care results in injury to another party.

Proving negligence involves showing that the defendant had actual knowledge of the dangerous condition, failed to warn others of the danger, and did nothing to correct the problem. For example, if you slipped and fell on ice, you would have to prove that the defendant knew about the icy conditions and failed to warn you of the dangers.

How much compensation can you receive after a slip and fall injury? That depends on several factors, such as whether you were hurt on private property or public property, whether the person responsible was negligent, and whether you suffered permanent injuries.

Injuries caused by slips and falls can range from minor cuts and bruises to broken bones. If you were injured due to a slip and fall accident, you may be entitled to compensation for medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and more.

Get Help Today from a New Jersey Slip and Fall Lawyer

It is important to consult with an experienced NJ slip and fall lawyer after a slip and fall injury. Many cases involving slips and falls go unreported due to fear of litigation. However, these cases often result in serious injuries such as broken bones, head trauma, spinal cord injury, and paralysis.

If you were injured in a slip and fall accident, contact the slip and fall lawyers at Garden State Justice Group immediately. Our legal team offers free consultations. 

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Garden State Justice Group
15 Burnt Mill Rd # D
Cherry Hill, NJ 08003
(856) 436-7034
VX6V+48 Cherry Hill, New Jersey
Cherry Hill Law Office
Garden State Justice Group
602 Broadway
Camden, NJ 08103
(856) 436-7242
WVQJ+39 Camden, New Jersey
Camden, NJ Law Office
Garden State Justice Group
438 Ganttown Rd d
Sewell, NJ 08080
(856) 436-7593
PWRG+4W Sewell, Mantua Township, NJ
Sewell, NJ Law Office
Shane Sullivan, Esq.
Date Published: July 18, 2022
Shane Sullivan, Esq. is a New Jersey Board Certified Civil Trial Lawyer that represents those who were injured or the family's of those killed by the negligence of others in personal injury lawsuits throughout New Jersey.
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