Getting to Know Sandy Hill, NJ

The car accident attorneys in Sandy Hill, NJ at Garden State Justice Group offer some interesting history regarding the neighborhood for your reading enjoyment.

Sandy Hill

Sandy Hill is a neighborhood situated in the center of Paterson, the county seat of Passaic County in the state of New Jersey. The neighborhood is located in the Fifth Ward of the city. Wrigley Park is to the north of the area, and Albion Place is to its south. Little Lima and Little Italy are to the west, and the East Side Park Historic District is to the east. Market Street, Park Avenue, Cedar Street, and 21st Avenue are some of the town's main roadways. 

Early History

The neighborhood is said to have formed from a glacier during the Glacial Age. It was named after its composition of sandy deposits that originated from the glacial drift caused by grindings of the glacial ice. Geologists have studied the area and have found crystalline rock, mainly granite and gneiss, and can only attribute it to the drift from the state's northern region. 

Historical Landmark

Located on Grand Street in the western section of the neighborhood is the architectural beauty, the St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Cathedral. This historic structure dates back to 1865, but the parish goes as far back as 1820. The first building was built in 1821 on land donated by the Society for Useful Manufactures S.U.M. After the purchase of 16 lots from the Society by Rev. William McNulty, the current building was constructed, and the first cornerstone was laid on September 11, 1865. Prominent church architect P. C. Kiely designed the building. 


The town has a large Hispanic community, notably its Dominican population, and approximately 49.4% of its residents were born in countries other than the United States. To recognize this population growth, a section of Park Avenue was renamed Dominican Republic Way. As many as 78.2% speak Spanish as their primary language; this is a higher percentage than 98.4% of other neighborhoods in the United States. The ancestral makeup of the residents includes:

  • 32.0% Dominican
  • 16.9% Puerto Rican
  • 14.0% South American
  • 11.9% Mexican
  • 1.3% Jamaican

The area is mostly a low-income neighborhood, and as many as 28.0% of the children live under the poverty line. The occupational breakdown of the employed residents includes:

  • 46.2% manufacturing or laborer occupations
  • 23.7% sales or service jobs
  • 20.0% executive, management, and professional positions
  • 10.1% clerical, assistant, and technical support roles

Keep reading: A Closer Look at Eastside Park Historic District, NJ

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The Sandy Hill, NJ car accident attorneys at Garden State Justice Group understand the stress that comes from being injured in a car accident. Let our experienced legal team walk you through the legal process so you can focus on your recovery. Schedule a free case review today.

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Date Published: June 17, 2021
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