Which Workers' Compensation Benefits Exist In New Jersey?

Workers Comp Benefits In New Jersey

The system for compensation of injured employees in the State of New Jersey was initially put into place to protect the interests of victims of work injuries as well as the employers who offered them work.

The benefits that are awarded by this 100-year-old system have changed and improved through time, but in the modern-day, they remain state-specific. For this reason, our workers' comp attorneys in NJ have put together the following guidelines for residents who have been affected by a job-related injury.

All claims are independent of each other, so it's quite difficult to understand which benefits you're entitled to without having your case reviewed by an experienced lawyer. Contact our team today to receive exact details regarding your potential benefits in a free legal consultation.

New Jersey Workers' Comp Benefits

As alluded to above, the potential benefits to be awarded in compensation are quite varied and highly dependent on the specific injuries suffered; they also take into account the tragic situations when workers succumb to their job-related illness or injury.

The following categories will help you understand how this state-sponsored assistance is cataloged.

Medical Expenses Paid

Medical expenses are the most common type of benefit that is awarded to victims of workplace accidents and injuries. Irrespective of what may have caused your injury, even if it was your own fault, the workers' compensation system will pay for any medical bills that resulted from the injury.

This can include consultations, surgeries, therapy, and more. It is important to note that many medical procedures intended to treat the injury or job-related disability will often have to be approved to ensure that they are covered.

Benefits For Deceased Workers & Their Dependents

Work accidents don't just result in injuries; in many cases, a workplace incident can take the lives of employees, This is quite common in high-risk industries such as construction.

When a job-related incident results in a death, the workers' compensation system will pay for up to $3,500 of the funeral and burial costs.

Additionally, the spouse and surviving children of the victim can be awarded up to 70% of the deceased worker's weekly wages. For instance, children who are minors (below 18) can be eligible for the aforementioned benefits until they are 18. If the children are older than 18 but enrolled full-time in college, the compensation may continue until they are 23 years old.

Compensation after death is particularly complicated. Dependents who are not directly related may also be eligible. If one of your loved ones was killed in a workplace accident, call us today to understand all of the legal options at your disposal for compensation as you traverse this incredibly difficult time.

Temporary Disability Benefits

If your injury has prevented you from returning to work for more than 7 days, you will likely be entitled to this type of benefit. It is known as Temporary Disability and will continue until your health improves enough for you to return to your job and be able to complete your duties.

As far as a dollar amount, you would be able to collect as much as 70% of your weekly income, with a minimum of around $250.

Permanent Total Disability

If a period of 400 weeks elapses, you still aren't able to return to work, and your disability is no longer improving, you will have to be evaluated by a medical professional. In this medical evaluation, a doctor will determine if your ailment is permanent and if it definitely prevents you from performing your job duties. If this is found to be accurate, you will qualify for Permanent Total Disability.

The financial compensation amount is the same as when you were considered temporarily disabled and will continue until a period of 450 weeks passes. After the 450 weeks, you will have to receive another medical evaluation, as well as prove that you underwent rehabilitative procedures.

If the disability remained after that, and you cannot obtain a different job that provides any kind of income, the benefits will remain the same indefinitely or until you're no longer disabled.

Permanent Partial Disability

It goes without saying that a work injury can change the lives of those who suffer them for the worst. Nevertheless, many of these victims will persevere through the pain and trauma, working harder than ever to return to work.

No matter how many surgical procedures and physical therapy a victim goes through, there are many cases when they will never be able to recover all physical functions required to perform their previous job. To account for these instances, the New Jersey Workers' Compensation System offers Permanent Partial Disability.

Permanent Partial Disability will depend on the percentage of function lost in a specific body part, for example, an arm or foot. It will also be based on many complex maximums and state-level minimums that come into play.

Disability Schedules

The State of New Jersey possesses an often-changed schedule for disabilities that indicates how much each kind of injury can receive in lifetime benefits while also taking into account individual pre-injury wages. The schedule can be difficult to comprehend, so if you think you're eligible for permanent partial disability, we highly recommend contacting our experienced legal professionals.

Fill out the form on this page, or reach out to us via phone, to have all of your workers' comp benefit questions answered in a no-obligation, no-charge legal consultation. Afterward, you'll be armed with the relevant information you need to make such an important decision not only for yourself but for the ones you love.

Additional Resources

If you'd like additional information, make sure to visit our latest page: https://gardenstatejusticegroup.com/new-jersey-workers-comp-benefits/

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Date Published: February 3, 2020
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