The car accident attorneys in Ventnor Heights, NJ, at Garden State Justice Group would like to share some of the interesting facts about the neighborhood.
Ventnor Heights is a neighborhood within the city of Ventnor City that is found in the southern section of Atlantic County in New Jersey. The community center is located at Dorset Avenue and Wellington Avenue. The West Canal and Turtle Gut flow along the north and west edges of the neighborhood. Ventnor City, Chelsea Heights, Margate City, and Ducktown are all neighboring communities.
The neighborhood shares the name of its parent city, which originated from one of the early prominent residents, Mrs. S. Bartram Richards. Richards was the wife of the secretary-treasurer of the Camden and Atlantic Land Company. She related the area to the beauty of a community they had visited in England by the same name.
In the southern section of the neighborhood is one of the area's first churches, St. John's By-the-Sea Reformed Episcopal Church. The church is located on South Sacramento Avenue and Ventnor Avenue. It was established in 1892 and continues to serve the religious community in the area. Some other places of worship include:
The Ventnor City Fire Department Station 2 is located off of Wellington Avenue in the northern section of town. The history of the fire department starts back in 1906 when it was founded as a volunteer organization. The first career firefighter, David Stuart, was hired in 1908. As many as 246 firefighters have served the area since 1906. Currently, the organization has 45 firefights and EMTs and an average of 3358 calls per year.
The neighborhood has approximately 2,237 residents that make up the 1,050 households. The racial breakdown was the following:
Approximately 84.1% of the residents speak English as their main language. Spanish is also spoken by a percentage of the residents, in addition to 4.7% who speak Arabic. Some common ancestries found within the community include:
The median income for the households within the neighborhood was $47,700. Some of the top occupations held by the working residents include:
Keep reading along as we cover the neighboring communities: A Closer Look at Margate City, NJ
For years, the Ventnor Heights, NJ, car accident attorneys at Garden State Justice Group have been helping residents injured in cars and motorcycles. If you are suffering from an accident-related injury, call to get more information about your legal options. Residents can take advantage of our free consultations, so don't delay.
Garden State Justice Group
2628 Fire Rd #102,
Egg Harbor Township, NJ 08234
(833) 652-9264