New Jersey Work Injury Lawyers Help Employees Get Their Deserved Compensation

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Almost by definition, work injuries are unexpected and unforeseeable incidents. In any case, regardless of the circumstances that cause a work injury, victims have the right to file a compensation claim.

NJ Work Injury Law Firm

Even if a workplace accident was your fault, you can still apply for compensation based on:

  • Medical expenses
  • Lost wages
  • Physical pain

Insurance companies have experienced staff members protecting their bottom line, even if this means that you may not get proper medical care. Make sure you have an experienced workers' compensation lawyer fighting for your rights - contact the Garden State Justice Group today. 

It was your job that caused you to get injured, and you now know that you will need extensive medical care and may not be able to get back to work. Your foremost concern is probably how you'll pay for the medical treatment you need to get back on your feet, and whether you'll be able to afford it. Unfortunately, you are not alone. A workplace is a dangerous place for millions of Americans each year, yet they are left to deal with the consequences on their own.

Getting Compensation For A Work Injury

The workers' compensation system was put in place to benefit both injured employees and their employers. On one hand, work injury victims lost the right to sue their employers after an accident. In exchange, the workers' comp system was established so that work injury claims could be processed much faster than the civil justice system could process individual lawsuits.

In the event of a work-related injury or illness, workers' compensation claims should cover the costs of medical treatments and, if applicable, provide a fraction of lost wages. Moreover, the claim will be no-fault, meaning that the employee should still receive coverage even if their actions contributed to the injury.

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It is often an insurance companies' goal not to pay out claims since it means they are losing money from their bottom line. Towards these ends, they will employ many strategies that allow them to deny your claim, regardless of how genuine it may be.

A staggering number of work injury claims in New Jersey are denied each year. An appeals process exists, though it can be magnitudes more difficult to successfully appeal a claim rather than win it with proper preparation the first time around.

Should You Hire A Work Injury Lawyer?

The process of filing workers' compensation claims is complicated. They deal with a range of legal issues including interpreting insurance policies, handling medical malpractice cases, and dealing with employer responsibility for employee actions.

Even when you know that you're entitled to compensation, you might need a lawyer to help you get the compensation you deserve when you handle the claims process on your own.

Workers' compensation insurance companies may not have any problem paying a settlement following a work injury. Even so, insurance companies constantly try to save money on claims. They are unlikely to offer the maximum settlement value if you do not have a work accident lawyer representing you.

The likelihood of getting a competitive offer upfront is greater if you hire an attorney. In addition, your lawyer is capable of negotiating better compensation on your behalf if the settlement offer is not fair.

How Much Is My Work Injury Case Worth?

Work injury litigants may receive compensation in two ways: as a settlement or as an award. Every plaintiff will receive a different amount in each case since it depends on their past and anticipated future losses. Therefore, no two persons will receive the same amount nor can the final value of a case be estimated before it is decided by a court or settled between the two parties.

Some of the damages considered in a work injury compensation claim include surgery and medical treatment expenses, rehab & therapy costs, lost income due to the injury, and others. 

Consult With A Work Accident Lawyer For Free

Our work accident and injury attorneys have ample experience handling cases in New Jersey. We delve into all manner of injury claims, from medical malpractice to slip and fall and, naturally, work injury claims. If there is the potential to file a lawsuit for your personal injuries, our team will explore the possibilities and explain them to you.

With all the necessary information at your disposal, you'll be able to make an informed decision not only for yourself but also for your loved ones. We understand the difficult moment you are going through, and we want to help you make it through and achieve a settlement or award that you truly believe is fair.

Contact us now for a free case review - either call our 24/7 helpline or fill out the form on this page to be contacted later. 

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This website is by DiLeonardo Law LLC d/b/a Garden State Justice Group. We have offices throughout the state of New Jersey with attorneys licensed to practice law in New Jersey. Use of this site does not form an attorney-client relationship and information herein shall not be construed as legal advice. This website is to be considered as ATTORNEY ADVERTISING. Past settlement and verdict values are no guarantee of similar future outcomes. This firm may retain local counsel for prosecuting cases. Results may vary from case to case depending on the specific circumstances of the case. This website has not been approved by the Supreme Court of New Jersey.
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