Workers' Compensation Attorneys In New Jersey

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Work-related injuries of all varieties take place every day and in every state across the country. What’s even more concerning is that many of the victims of these injuries have no idea that professional legal help exists.

Luckily, after reviewing the workers’ compensation resources we present on this page, even the most inexperienced should feel ready to step forward with their claims.

Workers’ Comp Lawyers in NJ

If not, make sure to reach out to our experienced New Jersey workmans’ comp attorneys for assistance. They are here to help provide their experience and guidance so that victims may achieve the compensation they deserve in this difficult time.

What Is Workers’ Compensation?

Workers’ compensation is a type of insurance coverage that must be purchased by employers to protect their employees. Just about every state in the US requires workers’ comp insurance and, perhaps most importantly, it is an expense that cannot be docked from an employee’s paycheck.

In the unfortunate instances when a worker suffers any kind of injury while on the job, the insurance plan will then cover medical expenses resulting from the injury as well as a portion of lost wages until the injured employee is able to return to work. In the worst cases, the victim may also qualify for disability benefits. On the other hand, by providing workers’ comp insurance protection to their employees, employers are also protecting themselves from civil suits that could be brought against them by an injured employee.

Indeed, before there existed any workers’ compensation laws or the need for a workmen compensation lawyer, employees would often file lawsuits against their employer if they suffered any kind of damages. As you can imagine, this made it very difficult for both sides; employees would have to go through lengthy and potentially expensive legal battles before receiving any kind of compensation, and employers could be bogged down by lawsuits over simple work injuries.

So, while the workers’ compensation system brought about a lot of efficiency in getting victims of labor injuries the workers’ compensation benefits they deserve, it can still be a complex and laborious process in the modern-day. The insurance companies that are usually on the hook for paying the benefits of a workers’ comp claim are businesses at the end of the day, and every dollar they pay out is a dollar lost from their bottom line. Because of this, a workers’ comp insurance company may fight tooth and nail before disbursing any benefits, even if the claim is completely valid.

It is in these cases where a workers’ compensation lawyer can prove vital in helping the victims of workplace injuries in New Jersey to receive the full benefits that they truly deserve.

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Do I Need Workers’ Comp Lawyer?

As we mentioned earlier, when it comes time to pay the benefits resulting from an injured worker’s medical bills, lost wages, physical therapy, ongoing care or more, insurance companies are likely to fight back. This is not always the case, though.

For example, when the cause of the injury is clearly work-related, or when the employer does not deny the claim’s authenticity, then the compensation will probably be approved rather quickly. Even in these instances, a workers’ compensation attorney can still be valuable as their assistance almost always ensures that the victim receives a larger compensation. Simply put, this is due to the fact that the most experienced workmans’ comp lawyers will be very familiar with the process, will know exactly how to present a claim, and will be able to speak directly with the insurance company to fight for every penny of compensation that is deserved.

When To Hire A Workers’ Comp Attorney In New Jersey

Issues with receiving benefits tend to arise when the injury is severe, such as when some kind of surgery is required or when the victim will not be able to return to work for an extended period of time. This latter type of case also entails ongoing disability benefits which is a separate process in itself.

Furthermore, if a workplace accident caused the death of a person and their dependents are left without an income, the claim can be considered to be of high value and therefore increase the resistance of the insurance company in paying out the compensation you deserve.

Other cases where the insurance company may decrease, delay, or completely deny a disbursement of benefits can be when the victim of the injury had a preexisting condition that is further aggravated by a job-related injury. In this example, the insurance provider may try to argue that the injury or disease was not work-related and therefore they are not responsible for covering its treatment.

It is exactly in cases like these when hiring a workers’ compensation attorney can prove to be the best decision. An experimented workmens’ comp lawyer will be able to bring in expert witnesses (such as doctors) to speak to the need for specialized medical treatment after a personal injury in the workplace. Moreover, they will be able to gather all the evidence required to make your claim as solid as possible. Finally, they will handle absolutely all of the paperwork and even go to trial on your behalf if necessary to achieve the benefits you deserve, all while you and your loved ones can concentrate on what’s most important – recovery and healing.

Fighting Fire with Fire

The largest workers’ compensation insurance providers hire the most knowledgeable attorneys to defend their interests (and their bottom line) against the most serious of workers’ comp claims. Regrettably, it is usually with victims who need financial compensation the most that the insurance company will enlist the help of the best team of workers’ compensation lawyers. Fortunately, you too have the right to arm yourself with master legal representatives who will defend your rights and fight for justice.

Can I Sue For A Work Injury?

At the beginning of this article, we mentioned that the workers’ compensation system makes it so that employees cannot sue their employer if they suffer an injury while on-the-clock, and in most instances, this is usually the case. However, some exceptions do exist; below, we discuss some examples.

  • Construction Sites – construction sites are often populated with different crews employed by separate subcontractors. If the recklessness of another subcontractor’s employee causes another worker’s injury or death, there exists a potential to file a lawsuit.
  • Tools & Machinery – if in a particular line of work, the use of power tools such as drills, nail guns, or chainsaws is required and if one of these pieces of equipment has a defect that causes an injury, then the victim could bring forth a lawsuit against the manufacturer of the tool or product.
  • Intentional Injury – if an employee suffers any kind of injury that can be proven to have been intentionally caused by the employer, then there is a basis to file a lawsuit.
  • Lack of Workers’ Comp Insurance – in the cases when employers do not purchase insurance to cover injuries that their employees may suffer, then the victim of injuries may begin legal proceedings against their employer.

Workers’ Compensation Lawyers Near You

If you are located in New Jersey and you were the victims of an injury in the workplace, rest assured that you can count on our team of experienced workers’ compensation attorneys to not only handle your claim but also fight tirelessly for the full compensation that you deserve.

Our team of lawyers offers free consultations at no obligation to you. Give us a call or fill out the form on this page to be contacted and receive the legal information that will help you make the right decision for yourself and the ones you love.

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This website is by DiLeonardo Law LLC d/b/a Garden State Justice Group. We have offices throughout the state of New Jersey with attorneys licensed to practice law in New Jersey. Use of this site does not form an attorney-client relationship and information herein shall not be construed as legal advice. This website is to be considered as ATTORNEY ADVERTISING. Past settlement and verdict values are no guarantee of similar future outcomes. This firm may retain local counsel for prosecuting cases. Results may vary from case to case depending on the specific circumstances of the case. This website has not been approved by the Supreme Court of New Jersey.
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