Types Of Compensation For Personal Injury Claims In New Jersey

Man On Crutches

Victims of personal injuries often see their lives fall apart right in front of their eyes. Indeed, few people understand how devastating the trauma can be unless they have experienced it themselves or gone through it with a loved one.

Nothing can turn back the events of the past and nothing can prevent another's negligence from resulting in tragedy once it's occurred. Fortunately, New Jersey's law allows these same victims to seek justice and be awarded personal injury lawsuit settlement amounts which, although they cannot undo what has been done, can help those most affected by the trauma to live the rest of their days with dignity.

If you've suffered an accident or injury due to the disregard of another, you have the right to fight for the monetary award you deserve. Reach out to our team today to schedule your no obligation, 100% free legal consultation to receive the insight you need to make the right decision.

Compensatory Damages For Injury

The broad legal term used to describe the harm suffered by a victim is "damages". If the term sounds vague, that's because it encompasses a wide range of damage categories.

There are many types of damages for which victims can receive monetary compensation. Here are some of the most prominent examples:

Physical Damages

If a person suffers any kind of physical injuries such as a burn, fracture, concussion, sprain, or another kind of disfigurement, it is considered physical damage.

Emotional Damages

Emotional trauma is not visible in the way that physical damages may be, though it can wreak potentially more havoc on a victim's life. These can include anxiety (such as after a car accident,) depression, fear, and more.

When arguing that a client suffered emotional trauma, a lawyer will usually have to rely on an expert witness such as a doctor who can elaborate on the diagnosis and how it has negatively affected the victim's life. The expert will probably also delve into the likelihood of the patient recovering and returning to their 'normal' life.

Pain & Suffering

Like emotional damages, pain and suffering are not physically tangible, though they are just as real. For instance, this category can include not only the physical pain after a surgical procedure but also the suffering that may accompany requiring a lifetime of specialized medical care.

Loss of Enjoyment of Life

Along with physical and emotional damages often comes some aspect of loss of enjoyment of life.

Physical injuries can prevent a victim from playing the sport they loved and practiced their entire lives, for example. On the other hand, if a person was involved in a car accident and afterward becomes anxious every time they are on the road, it's easy to see how the damages here stretch beyond any possible injuries suffered in a wreck.

Property Damage

Property damages are quite self-explanatory. Objects which are damaged generally have a replacement cost, which the court will award to the victim if it is found that the defendant was negligent.

Loss of Consortium / Companionship

Loss of consortium speaks to the intimacy and intimate relationships that a victim can lose as a result of an injury-causing accident. The most common example is a spouse though it can also include significant others such as family members.

Special Damages Awarded to Personal Injury Victims

There are various types of damages which, although they fall into the above categories, are worth reviewing given their relevance in personal injury claims.

  • Medical Bills: in a great majority of cases, victims of personal injuries will accrue some sort of medical expense. This may also include long-term care of the trauma. All of these bills will be taken into account when landing on a final PI lawsuit compensation total.
  • Lost Wages: When individuals are injured, it is very likely that they will have to stop working, either for a temporary amount of time or permanently. PI claims will consider not only the wages not paid due to disability but also the potential wages lost throughout the rest of the victim's life as a result of their injuries and trauma.

Free PI Attorney Consultations

The information presented on this page can serve as a general guide for the types of damages that may be considered by a court when calculating the total amount of compensation that is owed to a victim.

If you have additional questions we recommend discussing your case with our team of lawyers to find out about all of the specific financial award options that may be at your disposal.

Additional Resources

If you'd like to continue browsing our legal resources, click through to our latest page: Winning A Personal Injury Claim In New Jersey

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602 Broadway
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(856) 436-7242
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Date Published: January 31, 2020
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