Digging Into the History of Lower Montville, NJ

The car accident lawyer in Lower Montville, NJ, at Garden State Justice Group, would like to share some interesting points about the area and its history.

Lower Montville

This unincorporated community is located in Morris County, New Jersey. Along with other communities, such as Pine Brook, Montville, and Towaco, it makes up the township of Montville. The main roadways that run through the area are Changebridge Road, Church Lane, and River Road.


The Dutch initially settled the area in the early 18th century. They named the area Owl-Kill, later changed to Uyle-Kill due to Dutch spelling. This name was based on the two-mile stream that ran behind the Dutch Reformed Church. During the time, the brook was a winding stream that overflowed into the area creating rich soil and natural meadows. The large trees that lined the stream were home to many owls that fed off of the mice that ran around and burrowed in the soft meadows. The name Montville would not come until 1800, after the Mandville Inn, pronounced by the Dutch as Mondeveil.

Historical Landmarks

The First Dutch Reformed Church was originally founded and built in old Boonton in 1756 but moved to the 1800s. The move came after 22 acres of land was purchased from Samuel Stiles for parsonage use as well as land to be used for a cemetery. Construction of the new location on Church Lane began in 1818, and services started in 1819. James G. Brinckerhoof became the first pastor in the new location and eventually caused the church to split into the Montville Reformed Chruch and The True Reformed Church, which took up services in a different location.

A fire took the church to the ground in 1938. Using only money from the insurance, the church was reconstructed and dedicated in April of 1939. The church now sits across from its original location on Church Lane, opposite the cemetery.

Points of Interest

The area is home to many different parks and attractions for residents and visitors alike. The Montville Community Park offers many different athletic fields, such as soccer fields. Nearby is the community playground that offers a fun environment for children of all ages. Further down the road, off of Changebridge Road, is the beautiful Montville Community Gardens. This area hosts plots for the residents to grow their own plants and vegetables. 


In addition to the other unincorporated communities within the township of Montville, the population was 21,528 in 2010. The racial makeup of the area was the following:

  • 84.95% white
  • 0.93% African American
  • 12.57% Asian
  • 2.55% Hispanic or Latino
  • 0.02% Pacific Islander
  • 0.04% Native American
  • 0.36% other races
  • 1.14% two or more races

As many as 21.4% of the neighborhood residents were born in countries outside of the United States. Korean is spoken by 7.0% of the townspeople. Other languages spoken aside from English are Spanish, Chinese, and the Languages of India. The ancestral breakdown of the residents is the following:

  • 24.5% Italian
  • 18.2% Asian
  • 13.0% Irish
  • 12.8% German
  • 6.5% Russian
  • 5.2% Austrian

Follow along to learn more about the area: Getting to Know the History of Taylortown, NJ

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Our legal team knows that being in a car accident can be life-changing. Let our experienced Lower Montville, NJ, car accident lawyer at Garden State Justice Group handle your insurance claims so you can focus on what matters most, your recovery. Call our office now for a free consultation.

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Date Published: May 21, 2021
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