A Deeper Look into Lyndhurst, NJ

The personal injury attorneys in Lyndhurst, NJ at Garden State Justice Group would like to share some background on the area.


The township Lyndhurst is located in Bergen County, New Jersey. Nicknamed "Bear Country," this area is home to the William D. McDowell Observatory.


In 1917, the area's residents voted to pass the renaming of the area from North Arlington to Lyndhurst. The name was in honor of Lord Lyndhurst, a politician, and lawyer from Boston. Lyndhurst was appointed Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain three times.

The same year the town would be named Lyndhurst, there was a great fire at the Canadian Car and Foundry Company. The company was manufacturing the following items during that time:

  • guns
  • ammunition
  • military equipment

The items were to be sold to the Russian Empire and the United Kingdom during World War I. A flammable liquid was spilled in Building 30 of the plant, and this area was being used to clean shells. Approximately 500,000 shells, all about three inches, were fired off, creating a massive explosion that lasted four hours. The building was destroyed, but thanks to the heroic efforts of the company switchboard operator, Tessie McNamara, there were no worker casualties.  McNamara alerted each of the buildings, letting them know of the fire and evacuating the buildings. Her warning shouts and dedication saved the lives of 1,400 factory workers that day.

Today there is a memorial honoring her brave act in the park on Clay Avenue. The Lyndhurst Historical Society dedicated a brick monument in her memory that visitors can see today in this mini-park.


The neighborhood takes up about 3,136 acres of land and is home to two train stations; Lyndhurst Station and Kingsland Station. Buses are also available in the area. With the estimated commute time averaging just over 30 minutes, many residents use these forms of public transportation in addition to their private vehicles.

More residents in the community have a college education. As many as 34.94% have a bachelor's degree or higher. The neighborhood has a good mix of its population working blue-collar and white-collar jobs. A breakdown of the resident's occupations are the following:

  • 11.82% administration or technical support
  • 11.76% management or executive positions
  • 11.3% sales or service positions

The community is not all work without play, and it offers many recreational options. Some options for family fun include the following:

  • Medieval Times Dinner & Tournament
  • the William D. McDowell Observatory
  • Riverside County Park Joseph Carucci Area
  • the Little Red Schoolhouse Museum


Lyndhurst's population was 20,554 in 2010, consisting of 5,394 families and 8,337 households. The average household income is $68,177, and only 4.6% living below the poverty line. 27.41% of the residents were born outside the country. The racial makeup of the area is the following:

  • 82.97% white
  • 1.98% African American
  • 18.34% Hispanic or Latino
  • 6.59% Asian
  • 0.17% Native American
  • 0.03% Pacific Islander
  • 5.57% other races
  • 2.71% two or more races

Continue Reading: An Overview of Avondale, NJ

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(551) 230-4999

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Date Published: April 5, 2021
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